Sunday, May 27, 2012

Antique Brocante Salon Sale

Saturday morning Kurt, Chelsea and I went to the much awaited Salon Antiques Brocante at Domme. We had been seeing lots of signs for it ever since we arrived. They were posted everywhere.  It never occurred to us that it would be so hard to find. We missed it because we were looking for something much larger. We found parking but were confused as to where it was.  So we just followed the crowd and were surprised to find that it was only in one room of a building. It looked like it was all very expensive antiques, no junk (stuff I can afford), but I was determined to take my time and see it all.

Kurt’s goal was to fine old maps and post cards and he found them and purchased several. Chelsea found some beautiful old jewelry and discovered that she loved 1800 style dresses.

 I wonder who this is for?

                                                                    My far

                                                             Letter from 1945 WWII

 I was able to purchase a few pieces, some pictures, some old charms, some linen napkins and towels, some old door knobs (like I need any more), old postcards, and the piece de resistance…a beautiful, and I mean BEAUTIFUL old linen curtain with lovely embroidered flowers and butterflies. It is a real treasure and I can’t wait to hang it in my large bedroom window and let the light shine through the ornate detail of the piece. 

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