Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Les Eysies, Sarlat, Commarque

     Having so much fun at the street markets.                            Wine and cheese, please!

Last night, we met a nice American family from PA, renting the house next to ours. It sure was nice to visit with them in English and learn about their family.  He is a professor who takes a group of students to Europe every year.  He and his family are here early to explore the French countryside. 

The "postman" delivering to the house the Stephens stayed in next door to us

Kurt and I went to the marche’ (open air market) in Sarlat this morning. Kurt purchased several kinds of olives.  And much wonderful cheese to choose from!  

                                                     Typical booth at the Sarlat Marche'

 We stopped at a streetside café and had some petit dejuneur (breakfast) of waffles and chocolate pastry.

"French toast"ing

Commarque, castle in ruins

Then drove to the castle ruins of Commarque. We had to park and walk through what can only be described as an enchanted forest, with tall tall trees and emerald colored moss.

  At the bottom, we came to a very clear little stream, then looked up and gasped at the magnitude of these ruins. 

                                                                    Outside staircase

                                                              Lots of spiral staircases

                                                                 Ceiling stonework

                                                          Gorgeous stone window details

                                                View from the top, it was a long way down!
Notice the tiny man in the red shirt in the center of the picture.

             We entered through a cave that had distinct rooms and even a stable with a wooden gate.

 We were able to go all the way to the top of the tower, stopping at the levels along the very steep climb. It is amazing to imagine the lives that were lead there. The kitchen had a huge stone fireplace with a bread oven and a stone sink like the one in our little house here. There was even a chapel in the castle. At the top, we took a moment to look at the amazing view all around, including a neighboring castle in ruins. It was an easy walk down before the long incline up through the forest to the car. My legs felt like noodles.

 Then back to the house for a little left over dinner with, of course, delicious bread and butter. It’s going to be an early night. We are both exhausted.

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