Friday, May 18, 2012

Dinner with our american neighbors

 The Stephens family from PA

Last night, we had a late dinner with our American friends, sitting at the table in our rustic kitchen with all the doors and windows opened.  I appreciated every detail: the birds serenade, the warm breeze flowing through from the open top of the dutch door to the wide open back door, the warm familiarity of English speaking new friends, and of course, the food was delicious.  We had pork chops cooked in a mushroom sauce, chicken cooked in fresh onion and garlic, buttered potatoes,(can't you almost smell it?) a wonderful green salad with vegetable dressing, toasted baguette with Thierry’s vanilla fig jam, olives, grapes, sheep cheese, camembert cheese.  We savored them all while we learned more about each other’s families.

After dinner, we all walked up to Monique’s garden and stood there and talked until way after dark with our lovely French neighbors.

While we were talking about the differences in the Stephens' northern accent and my southern accent, Jean-Louis piped up and said, "Aaah... Redneck!" After a good laugh, we came back to the house for very dark hot chocolate and macaroons.  Such a fun evening.  I will hate for them to go to Paris tomorrow.

 Up and about this morning, we are ready for a new day of adventure.  Stay tuned!


  1. Replies
    1. Keep them coming. corn is about 30 inches. ha LOVE TO BOTH CHELSEA IS EXCITED


  3. Hey, Jullie! With a little help I figured out this blogspot thing. Your blog is great! You definitely have an artist's appreciation for the beauty of France. We had a fun time in Paris but frankly, we weren't ready to leave Baran. I can now still be there vicariously through your blog! I'm so glad we got to know you and Kurt. We definitely count it as one of the sweet blessings of our trip. Hope all goes well with the picking up and dropping off, etc... of the family. I look forward to keeping up with your latest adventures and musings!

    Take care,

