Monday, May 14, 2012

Arriving in Baran

The Hamlet of Baran

After nearly two days of travel, losing 7 hours in flight, Kurt and I arrived at our maison  in the small hamlet of Baran, which is in the Castels, Dordogne region of France.  The pictures I had seen, and probably mine as well, can not accurately portray the beauty of this place.  Walking down the lane to our front door, the sweet scent of the flowers on every doorstep and window sill, and the multitude of birds singing welcomed us to the French countryside.  Just knowing the age of the homes in this hamlet is somehow comforting and settling.  The house we  are staying in, named Boyntonac, has been restored with most  modern conveniences but upon entering, i felt as though I had stepped back in time 400 years to the time when this house was built.  Having been built with wooden beams and earthen stone, the house has a golden glow that isn’t only seen, but felt.  I’m sure it must be me, but I feel God in this place.  He seems to be near and pouring out blessings on me. 
The Lane to our Maison
Dutch door w/ skeleton key


View from the dutch door
Back porch attached to barn

Kurt reading in the kitchen.

Julie meets the Mayor

LaForgerie, B & B

Here are a few pictures of our little French house and some of the others sights around Baran.  The neighbors are kind and welcoming.  In just the first couple of days, we have met Roger, the house gentleman, our neighbor, Chantel and even the Mayor of the Castels.  Monique and Jean Louis own the only B & B in Baran. They are so hospitable and even invited us into their kitchen to sit at their table and use the WIFI.(weefee, she calls it).  They said we could use it anytime, so as I post this blog, I will be sitting on the little stone wall lined with flower boxes, loving this experience but greatly missing home and family.  I knew this adventure would be a mixed bag of emotions.  This place does not disappoint.
Margot & Jean Paul's sheep

Around Baran

Roger told us that all lands were public, so we went on a long walk down dirt paths and picked a bouquet for the kitchen table.  But it soon found it's way to my bedroom window, because it made Kurt sneeze.


  1. I feel like you are living a movie. The pictures are beautiful and can't wait to see more!

  2. Awesome sis! Loved reading about and seeing the pictures of your first days. Keep them coming!!
