Sunday, May 20, 2012

Busy Saturday - Sarlat, Puymartin, Cazanac

Well, the market was not at all what I had imagined it to be. It was nice, but no antiquey junk. Mostly clothes and cheese.  
Kurt at the Sarlat Belle Brocante

These windows are clearly seen in a market scene in "Ever After"

...Yet beautiful

I love this photo of Kurt walking a side street in Sarlat

Kurt and I  had a nice croissant breakfast with OJ and coffee (and bread?).

Back to the house to hang out some laundry, then to Castle Puymartin, where the tour was all in French. Not understanding what the guide was saying, Kurt and I  just looked wherever everyone else was looking. They handed us a few poorly translated notes in English where we learned that the man of the house came home from war to find his wife with another man, whom he killed. He then locked her in a round stone room for 15 years, where they passed food to her through a hole in the ceiling. When she died, they buried her behind a stone wall in the room.  While we were in another room, the door started creaking and moving, the tour guide said it must be Lady Blanche! Kurt was the last person in a line of us going up a set of stone stairs.  It had a rope for a handrail.  He said all of the sudden the end of the rope started shaking and he turned to see who had done it, but there was no one there.   Ooooh

                                                                Kurt's nice shot

                                            Kurt and Lady Blanche (Do you see her in the turret?)

                                                            Such a beautiful estate

             "NO PHOTO, Madame!"  Oops
                                                             Just Julie and her castle

Came back to the house just in time to get the clothes off the line before it started raining again. We decided not to sit around the house, so we took a drive. Once again, getting wonderfully lost turned out to be another great experience. We came to an old church at Cazanac which we thought was in ruins.

 It appeared to be locked up for the night, but we tried the gate, and it opened.  We tried the doors to the church, and they opened.  Inside was a beautiful little quaint chapel with little wooden chairs and a Rapunzel like staircase. We looked around for a bit and took pictures. I think I see an angel in one of them.

 See if you do. Just as we were closing it up, the big church bell started ringing, loudly and wonderfully. Kurt and I just stood there and looked at each other in amazement. The church overlooked the most beautiful countryside. 

Driving away from the church, we saw a pretty horse and stopped to take a picture. He started running at us and Kurt thought he was going to jump the fence but he just wanted to say hello. As we drove away, I snapped a picture of him with the little church in the mist behind him.

                                    Just down the road, we took a picture of his friend, the donkey.

1 comment:

  1. very cute horse.... cool church as well. I am enjoying reading these!
